Ada Monthly Meetup, 5th October 2024
(too old to reply)
Fernando Oleo / Irvise
6 months ago
Hello everybody!

I would like to announce the October (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which
will be taking place on the **5th of October at 13:00 UTC time (15:00
CEST).** As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup
will also be livestreamed/recorded to Youtube.

**If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do
so! We currently have no proposals.** Nonetheless, I would like to bring
some topics that were left off during September’s Meetup.

Here are the connection details from previous posts:
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi
[https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup], a conferencing software that
runs on any modern browser. The link is Jitsi Meet The room name is
“AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
just in case someone needs it.

Best regards and see you soon!

P.S: you can see the September summary in
https://forum.ada-lang.io/t/ada-monthly-meeting-september-2024/1073/6 or
in YouTube (with audio issues) https://www.youtube.com/live/i_bVoiDlw5E
Fernando Oleo / Irvise
5 months ago
Hi all!

Here are the minutes of the meeting (markdown formatted) :)


We just finished this Monthly Meetup. Here are the topics that were covered:

- SPARK/GNAT 14, released this summer, gained the support for
`Exceptional_Cases` contract. This allows for formal proves of exception
handling and exceptions going up the stack! As some of you may know,
this was one of SPARK's weaker points, but not any more! If you would
like to know more about this, go to the [GNATprove
- The [Ada Discord community](https://discord.gg/edM2czVKN4) is at 99
members! Maybe you could be the 100th one :smiley:
- @AJ-Ianozi gave a presentation on [YASS](https://www.yass.website/), a
Yet-Another-Static-Site generator, which is written in Ada!
- @Max presented his work on translating
[Learn.AdaCore](https://learn.adacore.com/) to the Ukranian language!
His work can be seen in the
[Ada-Ukraine](https://ada-ukraine.github.io/) site. They have already
over 50 pages worth of content translated!
- We will submit a full day DevRoom request for [FOSDEM
- [Ada-Auth](http://www.ada-auth.org/index.html) and
[Adaic](https://www.adaic.org/) are back online!
- Though [AdaForge](https://www.adaforge.org/), maintained by
@captain-haddock17, never went down, so the Reference Manual was always
available there, as well as many other resources!
- [Ada-Lang](https://ada-lang.io/) also maintains a copy of the RM!
- Some initial work has started happening in order to enable the
architecture in [GNAT

Video recording available in

Thanks to everybody that participated! Best regards,
