Ada Monthly Meetup 2024
(too old to reply)
Fernando Oleo / Irvise
2024-03-03 19:31:05 UTC
Dear all, this is just a quick reminder that the next Ada Monthly Meetup
will take place on Saturday 9th of March!

No topics were proposed for this meetup. Nonetheless, I will take the
opportunity to talk a bit about FOSDEM (and WolfSSL), the newly proposed
Ada Developer Workshop during AEiC, remind people about the newly
released Alire v2.0-RC1 and a few other topics if we have time.

Best regards,
Fernando Oleo / Irvise
2024-03-09 15:38:50 UTC
[Text formatted in Markdown style, I know it is not optimal for C.L.A]

The March 2024 Meetup just finished! Thanks to everybody who participated.

Quite a few topics were discussed, here is a list of topics and
references to them:

- WolfSSL and its Ada binding
- [Initial commit, SPARK
- [Build as a library, PR currently
- WolfSSL created the binding to "create" demand. The Ada community
can help raise awareness of these tools and create a symbiotic
relationship with companies and people invested in Ada.
- [FOSDEM](https://fosdem.org/2024/)
- [Ada Developer
Workshop](http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2024/adadev.html) taking
place in Barcelona the 14th of June.
- The (current) submission deadline for presentations is the 31st of
- Online participation is expected. We will try and have a setup to
let people participate online!
- It was created in order to let the wider Ada community have a home
to meet and talk about Ada. This is a "response" to the lack of an Ada
DevRoom @ FOSDEM the past couple of years.
- [Alire v2.0 is around the
- Help test the new [Release Candidate
- Mac M1 (ARM64) support is in the works. Thanks Simon and Maxim!
- There is now a list of [projects to work
on](https://ada-lang.io/docs/projects-to-work-on/) in the main Ada-Lang
- It focuses of projects that would help the wider Ada community.
- [Ada support for org-mode code blocks (babel) is now going to be part
of the official org-mode distribution of
- Thanks Francesc for the work!
- The [NSA published a list of memory safe
- Ada was not mentioned in the list of programming languages.
Nonetheless Ada/SPARK are listed in the references.
- Ada needs better visibility and "marketing".
- The GCC 14's Ada changelog section is on its way, stay tuned!

See you in one month (more or less)! Regards,
Dirk Craeynest
2024-03-10 16:14:35 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo / Irvise
- The [NSA published a list of memory safe
- Ada was not mentioned in the list of programming languages.
Nonetheless Ada/SPARK are listed in the references.
- Ada needs better visibility and "marketing".
But there's an NSA report on the same topic that lists 9
memory-safe languages, and Ada is included. See "The NSA list of
memory-safe programming languages has been updated - ReadWrite" at

After some searching I found that NSA report at

Fernando Oleo / Irvise
2024-03-17 09:10:26 UTC
Hello everybody!

I would like to announce the April (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which will
be taking place on the 6th of April at **13:00 UTC time (15:00 CEST)**.
As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also
be livestreamed to Youtube.

If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so!
We currently have no topics :wink: Though I will try to focus more on
Ada and I would like to bring people's attention to [Tsoding's Ada

Here are the connection details from previous posts:
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
runs on any modern browser. The link is [Jitsi Meet
](https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup) The room name is
“AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
just in case someone needs it.

Best regards and see you soon!

P.S: it is that time of year when clocks have their time changed. So
please, take a look at whether this affects you. (Central) Europe will
now go from CET to CEST, so +2h. USA and related countries already had
heir time changed last week.
Fernando Oleo / Irvise
2024-04-01 20:58:07 UTC
Hi all!

This is a kind reminder about this Saturday’s Ada Monthly Meetup :) Keep
in mind the slight change in UTC time!

See you soon,
Post by Fernando Oleo / Irvise
Hello everybody!
I would like to announce the April (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which will
be taking place on the 6th of April at **13:00 UTC time (15:00 CEST)**.
As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also
be livestreamed to Youtube.
If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so!
We currently have no topics :wink: Though I will try to focus more on
Ada and I would like to bring people's attention to [Tsoding's Ada
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
runs on any modern browser. The link is [Jitsi Meet
](https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup) The room name is
“AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
just in case someone needs it.
Best regards and see you soon!
P.S: it is that time of year when clocks have their time changed. So
please, take a look at whether this affects you. (Central) Europe will
now go from CET to CEST, so +2h. USA and related countries already had
heir time changed last week.