Canal+ crash
(too old to reply)
Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester
2024-07-19 21:41:44 UTC
Canal+ uses Ada but one is alleging that Canal+ suffered a crash today
with Windows. Cf.
Cf. a complaint by Mister Brukardt that Ada can not control non-Ada
software on a shared system.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-20 07:23:11 UTC
Post by Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester
Canal+ uses Ada but one is alleging that Canal+ suffered a crash today
with Windows. Cf.
Cf. a complaint by Mister Brukardt that Ada can not control non-Ada
software on a shared system.
It is not about Ada. It is about the fundamental principle that security
cannot be added on top of an insecure system. The lesson never learned
is that security levels impose safety problems not solving security
issues. Modern security architectures are nothing but a huge scam.

Thank you Microsoft!
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-20 07:43:18 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
It is about the fundamental principle that security
cannot be added on top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure, yet
we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top of it.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-20 09:08:47 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
It is about the fundamental principle that security
cannot be added on top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure, yet
we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top of it.
Of course we can. That is the whole idea of the scam. Why on earth do we
need security updates? Do you update your screwdriver each week?
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-21 01:04:44 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It is about the fundamental principle that security cannot be added on
top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure,
yet we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top
of it.
Why on earth do we need security updates?
Because computer systems are complex, and new bugs keep being discovered
all the time.
Do you update your screwdriver each week?
I don’t depend on my screwdriver to keep my bank account secure.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-21 07:22:06 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It is about the fundamental principle that security cannot be added on
top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure,
yet we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top
of it.
Why on earth do we need security updates?
Because computer systems are complex, and new bugs keep being discovered
all the time.
This does not make sense. You can create a very complex system out of
screwdrivers and still each screwdriver would require no update.

Systems consist of computers and computers of software modules. There is
nothing inherently complex about making a module safe and bug free.
Security interactions are primitive and 100% functional. There is no
difficult issues with non-functional stuff like real-time problems. It
is purely algorithmic while all mathematical complexity of cryptography
is NOT what gets updated. It is complex only because it was designed as
a Wood Block Tumbling Game.
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Do you update your screwdriver each week?
I don’t depend on my screwdriver to keep my bank account secure.
I don't need a bank account to fasten the screws. Application area is
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Niklas Holsti
2024-07-21 08:00:36 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It is about the fundamental principle that security cannot be added on
top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure,
yet we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top
of it.
Why on earth do we need security updates?
Because computer systems are complex, and new bugs keep being discovered
all the time.
This does not make sense. You can create a very complex system out of
screwdrivers and still each screwdriver would require no update.
Systems consist of computers and computers of software modules. There is
nothing inherently complex about making a module safe and bug free.
Security interactions are primitive and 100% functional. There is no
difficult issues with non-functional stuff like real-time problems.
Well, several recent attacks use variations in execution timing as a
side-channel to exfiltrate secrets such as crypto keys. The crypto code
can be functionally perfect and bug-free, but it may still be open to
attack by such methods.

But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
J-P. Rosen
2024-07-21 09:10:06 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
A problem that has been solved since 1983, and even before (Pascal had
bounds checking). Sigh...
J-P. Rosen
2 rue du Docteur Lombard, 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX
https://www.adalog.fr https://www.adacontrol.fr
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-21 09:34:14 UTC
Post by J-P. Rosen
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
A problem that has been solved since 1983, and even before (Pascal had
bounds checking). Sigh...
Yup, however some crackpot could always suggest an attack on bounds
checking, e.g. exception vs. not, index to bounds comparison dependent
on the actual values etc, and then produce a lengthy paper on a
constructed absolutely unrealistic scenario... (:-))
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester
2024-07-21 11:11:31 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2024, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
"Yup, however some crackpot could always suggest an attack on bounds checking,
e.g. exception vs. not, index to bounds comparison dependent on the actual
values etc, and then produce a lengthy paper on a constructed absolutely
unrealistic scenario... (:-))"


Supposedly scientific journals are rife with evil unrealistic fraudulent
papers which cause really deadly consequences. Cf. inter alia
@article {fulltext6.pdf,
author = {Labb\'{e}, Cyril and Labb\'{e}, Dominique},
title = {{Duplicate and fake publications in the scientific literature:
how many SCIgen papers in computer science?}},
journal = {Scientometrics},
abstract = {Two kinds of bibliographic tools are used to retrieve
scientific publications and make them available online. For one kind,
access is free as they store information made publicly available online.
For the other kind, access fees are required as they are compiled on
information provided by the major publishers of scientific literature. The
former can easily be interfered with, but it is generally assumed that the
latter guarantee the integrity of the data they sell. Unfortunately,
duplicate and fake publications are appearing in scientific conferences
and, as a result, in the bibliographic services. We demonstrate a software
method of detecting these duplicate and fake publications. Both the free
services (such as Google Scholar and DBLP) and the charged-for services
(such as IEEE Xplore) accept and index these publications.},
author = {{Schlangemann (pseudonym)}, Herbert},
title = {{The Official Herbert Schlangemann Blog}},
url = {HTTP://dieHimmelistschoen.BlogSpot.com},
year = {2008--2010}

I myself wrote on 13th April 2012:
"On February 19th 2012, Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter wrote:
|"Dear Sir/Madam: |
| |
|[. . .] |
| |
|I am a whistleblower and as such I am a victim of fraud, |
|much of which the Association for Computing Machinery |
|provided to people without publishing any of my attempts to |
|expose misconduct. Shame on you. |
| |
|I tried to expose fraud which I discovered when I applied |
|for a George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship. An anonymous |
|reviewer wished me well and he or she advised me that I have |
|"other methods to ask for redress" but he or she left the |
|message too vague for me to take my complaints further. I |
|asked the Association for Computing Machinery for help in |
|obtaining more details as to which "other methods to ask for |
|redress" I have. I did not receive an answer to this |
|question. Why? |
| |
|Why does your website contain no warning that the paper |
|"OCCN: A Network-On-Chip Modeling and Simulation Framework", |
|DATE '04 is fraudulent? Shame on you. |
| |
|Yours sincerely, |
|Colin Paul Gloster |
| |
| |
|On October 6th, 2011, Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter |
|sent questions to ***@ACM.org without receiving |
|answers: |
|"On October 5th, 2011, Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON-ACM26-***@ACM.org> |
|claimed: |
||---------------------------------------------------------------------| |
||"The original message was received at Wed, 05 Oct 2011 04:51:54 -0400| |
|| | |
|| ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- | |
||<***@mcs.anl.gov> | |
|| | |
|| ----- Transcript of session follows ----- | |
||.. while talking to mailgateway.anl.gov | |
||>>> RCPT To:<***@mcs.anl.gov> | |
||<<< 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected." | |
||---------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| |
| |
|Gloster sent to hpc-fellowship-***@ACM.org on October 5th, |
|2011: |
||---------------------------------------------------------------------| |
||"Dear Sir/Madam, | |
|| | |
||As you would be aware, my application for a George Michael | |
||Memorial HPC Fellowship for 2011 failed. | |
|| | |
||Reviewer 3 was nice to comment: | |
||"Good luck with your research. A word of advice, this typy a | |
||submission is the forum to air the grievances you indicate. You have | |
||other methods to ask for redress." | |
|| | |
||I hope to be informed of details of how to proceed with airing the | |
||aforementioned grievances. What "other methods to ask for redress" do| |
||I "have"? | |
|| | |
||Yours faithfully, | |
||Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter" | |
||---------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| |
| |
|Dear Sir/Madam: |
| |
|I emailed hpc-fellowship-***@ACM.org and so I received a bounce report |
|for ***@mcs.anl.gov . |
|Has anyone actually received the email which I had sent to |
|hpc-fellowship-***@ACM.org ? |
| |
|I mentioned in one of the online surveys which you requested me to partake in |
|after I left Italy that I am a victim of fraud published by ACM. In the |
|fellowship application I mentioned two fraudulent papers published by ACM which |
|a so-called "tutor" had ordered me to praise (he and the coauthors are friends |
|to each other). He himself had coauthored a similar fraudulent paper. I refused |
|to participate in this unethical activity. He censored my findings that they are|
|fraudsters and he said that if I would not quit then I would be failed for not |
|having a publication. |
| |
|I tried to expose this in "ACM Computing Surveys" and "The Journal of the ACM" |
|but the manuscripts were rejected. |
| |
|It seems that one reviewer for the fellowship cared, but the advice given was |
|not explicit enough for me to enact. Has the question reached that reviewer? |
| |
|Shall ACM retract fraudulent publications? When shall ACM |
|begin adhering to its own Code of Ethics? |
| |
|Yours faithfully, |
|Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter"" |

Dear Sir/Madam:

Why have I not yet received answers to any of the questions above?

Why does the ACM Portal of the Association for Computing Machinery show
so-called "research" which was reported and proven to be fraudulent
without warning that it is fraudulent?

Yours faithfully,
Colin Paul Gloster"

The ACM let be sent:
|"25-Aug-2010 |
| |
|Dear Mr. de Glouceſter, |
| |
|I am sorry to inform you that your paper has been rejected. Unfortunately, ACM Computing |
|Surveys is able to accept only a rather small percentage of the submissions it receives. |
| |
|I have read your paper. It is clear that you feel that you have a grievance against the |
|University of Pisa and the SHAPES group. I am not prepared to let you use ACM Computing |
|Surveys as a vehicle for publicising that grievance. The language that you have used in the|
|paper is intemperate and would potentially lead to legal problems for the ACM if we were to |
|publish it. |
| |
|Sincerely, |
| |
|Chris Hankin |
|Editor-in-Chief |
|ACM Computing Surveys" |

"[. . .]

* 7. Why did you let your membership to ACM lapse? Please select all that

I didn’t see the value in my membership
[. . .]
Too expensive
[. . .]
Other (please specify)
I had complained to you about subsidy fraud which you publish (I used to
work under a coauthor fraudster). You refuse to retract it so you are
accomplices so a subsidy fraudster got away with perpetrating perjury
covering up this fraud so he went on to murder 3 men.
[. . .]
* 9. Would you consider renewing your ACM membership in the future?
[. . .]
[. . .]
10. Please share what would compel you to become a member of ACM again.
Please publish errata and retractions and apologies. Testify against
scientific malconduct instead of pretending that you adhere to your "Code
of Ethics". Resurrect the victims whose murders you are guilty of in 2nd
or 3rd degrees. Repair my reputation. Refuse to publish baloney. Arrange a
fair PhD exam for me (I whistleblow against a PhD so-called "tutor" so I
am denied even a dissertation defense!). Make amends."
wrote I myself on
on April 20th, 2024. This survey stated that the Association for Computing
Machinery wants to contact me afterwards to try to get me to join, but 3
months and 1 day afterwards I still do not get a follow-up.

Note by the way that a court made a final unappealable court order for a
PhD scholarship to be paid to myself but such a defendant refuses to obey
such an order. Note also that a court made orders to allow me to go to a
university but such a putative university disobeyed such orders and
instead got armed professional combatants to hit me out even though I did
not threaten (confirmed by a district attorney); I myself did not fight
(confirmed by CCTV); and I did not have a weapon (confirmed by policemen).

SincÚres salutations.

Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-21 21:53:46 UTC
Post by J-P. Rosen
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
A problem that has been solved since 1983, and even before (Pascal had
bounds checking). Sigh...
Pascal had no checking for memory leaks or double-frees.

Rust certainly seems to be a next-generation solution to these sorts of
memory problems.
J-P. Rosen
2024-07-22 06:36:08 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by J-P. Rosen
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
A problem that has been solved since 1983, and even before (Pascal had
bounds checking). Sigh...
Pascal had no checking for memory leaks or double-frees.
Rust certainly seems to be a next-generation solution to these sorts of
memory problems.
We were talking about bounds checking, that Pascal had.
Nowadays, you should not use pointers directly, but containers. Pointers
are necessary only for writing containers, thanks to Ada's features not
found in other languages, like allocating dynamically sized arrays on
the stack.

Note that in Rust, containers are written using unsafe Rust, therefore
Rust is not better than Ada on that aspect, it is a complicated solution
to a problem that Ada doesn't have.
J-P. Rosen
2 rue du Docteur Lombard, 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX
https://www.adalog.fr https://www.adacontrol.fr
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-23 01:48:12 UTC
Post by J-P. Rosen
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by J-P. Rosen
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
A problem that has been solved since 1983, and even before (Pascal had
bounds checking). Sigh...
Pascal had no checking for memory leaks or double-frees.
Rust certainly seems to be a next-generation solution to these sorts of
memory problems.
We were talking about bounds checking, that Pascal had.
Which is only one potential pitfall for bugs with security implications.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-21 09:19:30 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It is about the fundamental principle that security cannot be added on
top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure,
yet we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top
of it.
Why on earth do we need security updates?
Because computer systems are complex, and new bugs keep being discovered
all the time.
This does not make sense. You can create a very complex system out of
screwdrivers and still each screwdriver would require no update.
Systems consist of computers and computers of software modules. There
is nothing inherently complex about making a module safe and bug free.
Security interactions are primitive and 100% functional. There is no
difficult issues with non-functional stuff like real-time problems.
Well, several recent attacks use variations in execution timing as a
side-channel to exfiltrate secrets such as crypto keys. The crypto code
can be functionally perfect and bug-free, but it may still be open to
attack by such methods.
It is always a tradeoff between the value of the information and costs
of breaking the protection. I doubt that timing attack are much more
feasible in that respect than brute force.
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
Exactly. Non-functional attacks are hypothetical at best. They rely on
internal knowledge which is another problem. An insider work is the most
common case of all breaches. So, maybe, it is better to update the
staff? (:-))
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Niklas Holsti
2024-07-21 11:31:27 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Niklas Holsti
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It is about the fundamental principle that security cannot be added on
top of an insecure system.
Actually, it can. Notice how the Internet itself is horribly insecure,
yet we are capable of running secure applications and protocols on top
of it.
Why on earth do we need security updates?
Because computer systems are complex, and new bugs keep being discovered
all the time.
This does not make sense. You can create a very complex system out of
screwdrivers and still each screwdriver would require no update.
Systems consist of computers and computers of software modules. There
is nothing inherently complex about making a module safe and bug
free. Security interactions are primitive and 100% functional. There
is no difficult issues with non-functional stuff like real-time
Well, several recent attacks use variations in execution timing as a
side-channel to exfiltrate secrets such as crypto keys. The crypto
code can be functionally perfect and bug-free, but it may still be
open to attack by such methods.
It is always a tradeoff between the value of the information and costs
of breaking the protection. I doubt that timing attack are much more
feasible in that respect than brute force.
Security researchers and crypto implementers seem to take timing attacks
quite seriously, putting a lot of effort into making the crucial crypto
steps run in constant time.
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Niklas Holsti
But certainly, most attacks on SW have used functional bugs such as
buffer overflows.
Exactly. Non-functional attacks are hypothetical at best. They rely on
internal knowledge which is another problem.
As I understand it, the "internal knowledge" needed for timing attacks
is mostly what is easily discoverable from the open source-code of the
SW that is attacked.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-21 16:49:27 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
Security researchers and crypto implementers seem to take timing attacks
quite seriously, putting a lot of effort into making the crucial crypto
steps run in constant time.
Cynically: they certainly know how to butter their bread...
Post by Niklas Holsti
As I understand it, the "internal knowledge" needed for timing attacks
is mostly what is easily discoverable from the open source-code of the
SW that is attacked.
Considering many many layers of software to predict timing from code in
uncontrolled environment would be a challenge.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-21 21:55:10 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Considering many many layers of software to predict timing from code in
uncontrolled environment would be a challenge.
And yet it has been successfully done on the hardware itself, right down
under all those layers of software (cf Spectre/Meltdown).
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-21 21:52:58 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Why on earth do we need security updates?
Because computer systems are complex, and new bugs keep being
discovered all the time.
This does not make sense. You can create a very complex system out of
screwdrivers and still each screwdriver would require no update.
There is an old engineering adage, that the complexity of a system arises,
not so much from the number of individual components, as from the number
of potential interactions between them.

If you have a box full of screwdrivers, then all you have is a box full of

If you have a computer system made up of a bunch of modules interacting
with each other, then you could have, potentially, quite a complex system

Look up the term “combinatorial explosion” to learn more.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-22 07:16:09 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
If you have a box full of screwdrivers, then all you have is a box full of
If you have a computer system made up of a bunch of modules interacting
with each other, then you could have, potentially, quite a complex system
Tight coupling = bad design. No difference to screwdrivers. However you
can take integer arithmetic if you dislike screwdrivers. However complex
system you build, there is no need to update integers.
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Look up the term “combinatorial explosion” to learn more.
Bad design leads to explosion of non-trivial unanticipated system states
making it unpredictable. This is what happens when you add security on
top. You patch holes drilling new ones to fix the patches.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-23 01:49:16 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
If you have a box full of screwdrivers, then all you have is a box full
of screwdrivers.
If you have a computer system made up of a bunch of modules interacting
with each other, then you could have, potentially, quite a complex
system indeed.
Tight coupling = bad design.
And yet you are relying on those systems right now. Do you do online
payments/banking? You depend on those systems crucially for that.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
2024-07-23 07:06:26 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
If you have a box full of screwdrivers, then all you have is a box full
of screwdrivers.
If you have a computer system made up of a bunch of modules interacting
with each other, then you could have, potentially, quite a complex
system indeed.
Tight coupling = bad design.
And yet you are relying on those systems right now. Do you do online
payments/banking? You depend on those systems crucially for that.
I don't understand your point. Should I bubble with joy each time it
crashes or gets compromised?
Dmitry A. Kazakov
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-07-23 08:36:13 UTC
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
If you have a box full of screwdrivers, then all you have is a box
full of screwdrivers.
If you have a computer system made up of a bunch of modules
interacting with each other, then you could have, potentially, quite
a complex system indeed.
Tight coupling = bad design.
And yet you are relying on those systems right now. Do you do online
payments/banking? You depend on those systems crucially for that.
I don't understand your point. Should I bubble with joy each time it
crashes or gets compromised?
You seem to say one thing and do another, is my point.
