Ada Monthly Meeting proposal
(too old to reply)
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2022-04-26 19:59:32 UTC
* Ada Monthly meeting

A lot of programming languages and libraries have meetings/meetups
which allow the community to come together and have a chat, share
ideas, proposals and better utilise and prioritise resources. I
would like to propose such a thing for Ada. Below is the rationale
and some ideas and issues.

** Motivation

The Ada community does not have many members when compared to other
more-well-known communities. However, there is still some interest
in having such type of meetings. This was recently made clear after
some people pointed out they would like to have such a thing in the
Ada channel over at Gitter.

Personally, I have been playing with such idea and that is what
motivated me to volunteer to drive the FOSDEM Ada devroom. I would
like the Ada community to be more well-known and to have the same
"resources" as other communities have. Meetups are a great way to
have fun while discussing what we like.

In meetups, generally speaking, users and developers can have the
opportunity to come together, discuss topics, organise resources
and help each other. Gray-beards can help those who still have
colour in their hair; people with different sets of skills can
propose solutions to problems that one may not have thought about;
authors can present their work or improvements, etc.

I would like to use the Fortran community as an example of what
meetups can be used for. Here is their April monthly-meetup
[1]. Their meetups are very focused on the language and "core"
tooling... it is quite formal, which may not be what I had in mind,
but we will see.

** Who is this meant for?

Everybody who is interested.

I would love to see some participation of the "Industrial users".
But I understand that a lot of people see Ada (and many other
things) as a tool that brings food to the table, nothig more. So I
would not expect much participation of this group.

Newbees and beginners are also more than welcome. They could see
what people are doing and ask questions that are better answered in
real-time by a person, instead of a Stackoverflow for example.

Though, I must be honest, it is mostly intended for people who are
interested in the Ada environment and open side of things. This is
due to the nature of an open discussion and building a community. I
have to be clear and state that I am biased towards the libre
community, so feel free to point out any unfairness.

** How would it work? What would it be like?


I thought about having a Jitsi room (libre conference system that
runs on your browser, same one used in FOSDEM) [2] where people can
just join and take part of the meetup. Jitsi allows for moderation
too, so that speakers can talk without getting interrupted and it
has a built in chat too.

So, what could be discussed? Here is a short list of ideas that I
- Monthly news: new releases, milestones, etc.
- Presentations: attendees may want to present their work or do a
demonstration. They may also want to have a discussion about a
specific topic (for example, the use of Ada 2022 features).
- General libre software coordination: improvements to tools,
feedback, questions, past goals discussion, etc
- General Q&A related to Ada and open to everybody.
- Finally, a beer.

I think this could take place between 30 min to 2 hours, depending
on the load of that day. Presentations would obviously be much more
casual and easy when compared to an actual conference.

** Potential issues

1. Not enough interest.
2. Timezones! Users are mostly concentrated in Asia-Pacific/EU/USA,
which makes coordination an absolute pain. A compromise could be
found, or a different schedule each month in such a way that
everybody benefits (and gets skrewed) equally.
3. Organisation: there needs to be a main organiser and a second in
1. There also needs to be a medium in which to spread the
word. C.L.A is a good starting point, but may not reach the
wider community. It could be announced everywhere every
month, but that is a tedious task.

** Feedback

I have probably said enough, even if not everything has been
said. So I would like to ask for your feedback and specially know
if you would be interested.

Thank you for your time,

** References

[1] https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8-_ll4f0gN8
[2] https://meet.jit.si/
2022-04-27 09:18:57 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
[1] https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8-_ll4f0gN8
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Maxim Reznik
2022-04-27 10:34:13 UTC
I would give it a try!
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2022-04-27 18:17:34 UTC
Am Wed, 27 Apr 2022 02:18:57 -0700 (PDT)
Post by AdaMagica
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
[1] https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8-_ll4f0gN8
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Hi Christ,

sorry to hear that. The webpage is a libre alternative frontend to
Youtube. Here is the link to the video in Youtube itself

As you can see the URI (I believe that is the technical term) is the
same, the only change is on the URL.

Danke für Ihre Antwort,
yossep Binyoum
2022-04-28 20:41:03 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
Am Wed, 27 Apr 2022 02:18:57 -0700 (PDT)
Being in Germany, I get the warning from Norton (see below) when I
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
[1] https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8-_ll4f0gN8
Gefährliche Webseite blockiert
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empfohlen, diese Seite NICHT aufzurufen.
Dangerous website blocked
This is a well-known dangerous website. Expressly recommended not to open this site.
Hi Christ,
sorry to hear that. The webpage is a libre alternative frontend to
Youtube. Here is the link to the video in Youtube itself
As you can see the URI (I believe that is the technical term) is the
same, the only change is on the URL.
Danke für Ihre Antwort,
From Senegal, i totaly agree with you. I give it a try
Anton F.
2022-04-27 12:57:49 UTC
I would participate, this is a great idea!
Stéphane Rivière
2022-04-29 14:38:39 UTC
Great idea !
Stephen Leake
2022-04-29 18:29:47 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
* Ada Monthly meeting
Sounds interesting. I maintain Emacs Ada mode; this might be a good
forum to get less formal feedback than the ada-mode mailing list
provides, and to hear what other IDEs are doing for Ada.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
1. There also needs to be a medium in which to spread the
word. C.L.A is a good starting point, but may not reach the
wider community. It could be announced everywhere every
month, but that is a tedious task.
This sounds like a job for a bot; post the same announcement to a list
of channels.

Anyone have a bot written in Ada?
-- Stephe
Maxim Reznik
2022-04-30 04:04:15 UTC
Post by Stephen Leake
This sounds like a job for a bot; post the same announcement to a list
of channels.
Anyone have a bot written in Ada?
I have a bot in Ada for Telegram. It is a bridge between Telegram, Jabber, IRC channel. It also checks telegram newcomers if they are not bot.

I can write another one for announcements, but I'm not sure if announcing once a month worth the time :)
Ada Forge
2022-04-30 13:57:40 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
* Ada Monthly meeting
Nice initiative !

Take me into account ;-)

Some subjects I’d love to debate with connoisseurs :
* UTF8-Unicode-UCS : a lot of libraries are offering strings manipulation. State of the art ? (Gnat extensions, GnatColl, Matreska, Gnoga, ...)
* OS system usage (as (system shell) scripts, in place of Perl, Python, …) : GNAT extensions ; Florist ; GnatColl ; SoWebIO; ...
* Windowing (2D) systems : future of GTK/Glade ; Qt6/Qt Design Studio ; GWindows ; Apple new SwiftUI MV paradigm ; wxWidgets ; Tk/TCL
* How let anyone collaborate to AdaForge’s new up-todate 2022 Ada resources gathered allover the internet ;-) Through GitHub ?

cheers, with a fresh Belgian Ada 10°
Rod Kay
2022-04-30 16:33:47 UTC
Post by Ada Forge
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
* Ada Monthly meeting
Nice initiative !
Take me into account ;-)
Agree. Count me in Fer :).
Post by Ada Forge
* UTF8-Unicode-UCS : a lot of libraries are offering strings manipulation. State of the art ? (Gnat extensions, GnatColl, Matreska, Gnoga, ...)
* OS system usage (as (system shell) scripts, in place of Perl, Python, …) : GNAT extensions ; Florist ; GnatColl ; SoWebIO; ...
* Windowing (2D) systems : future of GTK/Glade ; Qt6/Qt Design Studio ; GWindows ; Apple new SwiftUI MV paradigm ; wxWidgets ; Tk/TCL
* How let anyone collaborate to AdaForge’s new up-todate 2022 Ada resources gathered allover the internet ;-) Through GitHub ?
cheers, with a fresh Belgian Ada 10°
If by 'OS system usage' you mean using Ada to write shell-like
scripts then you may be interested in aShell. It builds on Florist to
allow Ada applets to more easily call and interact with OS commands.

The last release allowed OS commands to be called but only from a
single Ada task. Atm, work is being done on supporting task safe
commands (via a spawn manager).

The next release will contain the task safe commands and be Alire
enabled, and should occur in the next month or so (Lady Ada willing).

Ada Forge
2022-04-30 16:38:06 UTC
Post by Rod Kay
The last release allowed OS commands to be called but only from a
single Ada task. Atm, work is being done on supporting task safe
commands (via a spawn manager).
The next release will contain the task safe commands and be Alire
enabled, and should occur in the next month or so (Lady Ada willing).
Great !
Thanks for the tip :-)
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2022-05-03 19:06:21 UTC
Hi everybody!

Thank you all for your answers :)

It seems that there is some interest to have a meeting from time to
time. Other communication channels where this proposal was posted did
have other people who liked the idea. For this reason, I would like to
share some extra bits.

- I think the duration of such a monthly meeting could last for an hour,
an hour and a half.
- Could take place monthly in a varying schedule to suite some people
better than other depending on the month.
- The level of preparation is much much lower than FOSDEM or similar
venues. This is more about building community than actually making
this a serious thing.
- The structure could be the following:
- < 5 mins to share important news and announcements.
- < 30 mins reserved for already predefined talks/topics. More on this
- < 15 min discussion topic. Maybe there is something that needs a few
words, its the topic of the day.
- < 15 mins to let people share their work or improvements.
- The main meeting ends here.
- Open questions and answers and general discussion/beer.
- The main section of the meeting (wihtout Q&A and open discussion)
could be recorded and uploaded to video hosting sites. I know a few
people already reupload the videos from FOSDEM, so I could as them to
do the same for us. This would allow us to keep a log of the meetings
- We could use Jitsi, a libre conference software. I know it has
recording capabilities, but I think only for Youtube... :/ We will
see whether Jitsi actually works or not...

If this works, I think we could start inviting people to share their
work and reserve time for their presentations. That is what the second
section of the proposed schedule is about. At the beginning, obviously,
we will focus on making sure that the meetings work and see if there
is enough recurring interest in them.

Regarding the actual planing. I will not make it for the month of may
unless someone steps and helps a fair bit. On a personal note, I have a
lot of work and it will just keep increasing so I cannot ensure that I
will be able to pull something like this alone. FOSDEM was already a
bit exhausting :P

I also want to see what you have to offer both in direct help or if you
have projects that you want to talk about, presentations, etc. Some of
you already commented on it, so I am happy.

What is your opinion about this? I would need feedback :)

Also, please, feel free to repost this to other social media. The more
Ada users and people interested in Ada the better! If you want a
contact, feel free to email me at "irvise(AT)irvise.xyz".

Bye now :D
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2022-09-01 08:35:45 UTC
Hi all,

sorry for my silence, university has taken a toll on me. Anyhow, I am
now mostly finished with it. I sadly will not be able to prepare a
meetup as I am now will take a breather.

Maybe for October I will have some time. Otherwise, it will have to be
moved later.

Sorry for the delays and silence on my part.

Best regards,
2022-09-02 08:05:57 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
Hi all,
sorry for my silence, university has taken a toll on me. Anyhow, I am
now mostly finished with it. I sadly will not be able to prepare a
meetup as I am now will take a breather.
Maybe for October I will have some time. Otherwise, it will have to be
moved later.
Sorry for the delays and silence on my part.
Looking forward to it, thanks! Take care.
Luke A. Guest
2022-04-30 17:01:24 UTC
Post by Ada Forge
* UTF8-Unicode-UCS : a lot of libraries are offering strings manipulation. State of the art ? (Gnat extensions, GnatColl, Matreska, Gnoga, ...)
* Windowing (2D) systems : future of GTK/Glade ; Qt6/Qt Design Studio ; GWindows ; Apple new SwiftUI MV paradigm ; wxWidgets ; Tk/TCL
Oh, I suppose I'll have to attend given I have experience with those.
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2023-05-10 15:39:45 UTC
* Reboot of the Ada Monthly Meeting

Dear all. Once again, after a long pause, I want to revive the idea
of a monthly meeting to discuss the latest Ada events, projects,
releases or just have a chat about a topic.

I will not repeat what I said in the original message as all points
still stand.

I was happy with the reception that the proposal gathered, alas it
did not take place. However, I was thinking about having one at the
beginning of each month. There would be a pause during summer
(August for most people and potentially September) and FOSDEM.

* When do "we" start?

As I would not like to postpone it much more, I would like to
kickstart it this June. So the first one would be either Saturday 3
or Sunday 4 of July.

I know this sounds a bit rushed. However, if I do not set a date for
me and other people, we will just keep pushing it further and
further. This firt meetup would just be to test the waters and
receive feedback. There would be another one in July and then
summer, after which I hope to get a serious and continuous stream of

I was thinking that we could have a meetup at around 12PM UTC
time. It is early but not crazy early for those in USA and late for
those in far east Asia such as Australia. Here in Europe it falls
close to the meal time, which is not ideal... If a lot of people do
not like this time, it can be easily moved a bit earlier or

* What to expect?

I would like to keep this meetups sweet and short. I was thinking
maybe 45 minutes long, maybe an hour. That would allow for a quick
round of news, topics and introductions (something like what Maxim
Reznik does but a lot shorter). Then 2 to 4 topics (depending on the
time needed by each one). The topics would be what other and I
already proposed. This would give between 20 to 10 minutes for each

Once again, this is the starting proposal. Adjustments will be

* What do I need?

- What is you opinion?
- Do you have a topic/project that you would like to show to the
- Do you like the chosen time?
- Do you like the week of the month?
- Is Jitsi [1] a good enough platform to do the meetings?
- Do you think that 45 min / 1 h is a good enough duration?
- Would you like to participate on Saturday 3 or Sunday 4?

[1] https://meet.jit.si/

Once again, best regards,
Simon Wright
2023-05-10 19:26:36 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- What is you opinion?
Good idea.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you have a topic/project that you would like to show to the
Will have to think about that! Mac issues? Alire vs Mac?
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the chosen time?
Fine by me.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the week of the month?
No problem
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Is Jitsi [1] a good enough platform to do the meetings?
Will have to see!
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you think that 45 min / 1 h is a good enough duration?
Certainly OK for the first meeting
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Would you like to participate on Saturday 3 or Sunday 4?
Either could be managed! Slight preference for Saturday

Jeffrey R.Carter
2023-05-10 19:41:33 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the chosen time?
Any time will be inconvenient for some, but one must be chosen. 12:00 UTC is
fine with me, but during January, the time on the west coast of the US is UTC
-08, and on the east coast of Austrailia, UTC +11. 12:00 UTC corresponds to
04:00 in California and 23:00 in Sydney. 04:00 is rather painful. It might be
better to choose 13:00 UTC (05:00 and 00:00).
Jeff Carter
"Brave Sir Robin ran away."
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Ben Bacarisse
2023-05-10 19:47:02 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
* When do "we" start?
As I would not like to postpone it much more, I would like to
kickstart it this June. So the first one would be either Saturday 3
or Sunday 4 of July.
Presumably 3rd or 4th June.
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2023-05-11 18:12:33 UTC
Post by Ben Bacarisse
Presumably 3rd or 4th June.
Ouch, true! June, not July... Thanks for catching the mistake!
2023-05-11 06:55:48 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
* Reboot of the Ada Monthly Meeting
- What is you opinion?
Great initiative!
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you have a topic/project that you would like to show to the
Not yet, but for sure I'd like to show a couple of projects I'm working on.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the chosen time?
No problem.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the week of the month?
Goo enough, easy to remember.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Is Jitsi [1] a good enough platform to do the meetings?
Let's see how it works.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you think that 45 min / 1 h is a good enough duration?
It could be flexible as it depends on the schedule and Q&A, so let's see.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Would you like to participate on Saturday 3 or Sunday 4?
Both are ok, but preferably Saturday.

Thanks Fernando for leading this proposal,
Francesc Rocher
2023-05-11 11:05:44 UTC
Hi all,

On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 5:39 PM 'Fernando Oleo Blanco' via comp.lang.ada <***@googlegroups.com> wrote:
- What is you opinion?

Great initiative!

- Do you have a topic/project that you would like to show to the

Not right now, happy to just meet people.

- Do you like the chosen time?

Works for me.

- Do you like the week of the month?

No opinion.

- Is Jitsi [1] a good enough platform to do the meetings?

It's worked for me in the past.

- Do you think that 45 min / 1 h is a good enough duration?

Yes, no more than that.

- Would you like to participate on Saturday 3 or Sunday 4?

For this instance, I can only on the 3rd. It should be indifferent normally.

Thanks Fer for leading.
2023-05-16 01:19:07 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- What is you opinion?
I'm absolutely up for this.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you have a topic/project that you would like to show to the
I recently released an Ada ISO Library for country and currency codes[1], I could talk about that if anyone is interested. I also use Ada with Alire on a mac, so I'm interested in listening to that discussion.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the chosen time?
It looks like 12pm UTC is 8am EDT. I normally get up around 6AM, so I can make this work.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you like the week of the month?
That should be fine.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Is Jitsi [1] a good enough platform to do the meetings?
If it works in a browser, I have no issues with it.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Do you think that 45 min / 1 h is a good enough duration?
This is good for the first such meeting. We can see how it goes and adjust in later meetings.
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
- Would you like to participate on Saturday 3 or Sunday 4?
I prefer Saturday over Sunday, but either one works for me.


[1] https://github.com/ada-iso/ada_iso/tree/v2.0.0
Fernando Oleo Blanco
2023-05-25 17:35:12 UTC
Hi all and specially A.J.

I will try to make the meeting happen. I made the announcement here [1].

If you would like to participate, save the date! If you have any ideas
or proposals, they are welcome (this goes specially to you A.J., I
assume you would like to present :).

There is a bit more info in the link if anybody else is interested. I
will select the exact time next week.

[1] https://forum.ada-lang.io/t/ada-monthly-meeting/384/2?u=irvise

Best regards,
Keith Thompson
2023-05-25 20:22:56 UTC
Post by Fernando Oleo Blanco
Hi all and specially A.J.
I will try to make the meeting happen. I made the announcement here [1].
If you would like to participate, save the date! If you have any ideas
or proposals, they are welcome (this goes specially to you A.J., I
assume you would like to present :).
There is a bit more info in the link if anybody else is interested. I
will select the exact time next week.
[1] https://forum.ada-lang.io/t/ada-monthly-meeting/384/2?u=irvise
The proposed time is 12:00 or 13:00 UTC on Sat 2023-06-03.

That's 05:00 or 06:00 in the US Pacific time zone (California et al).

I understand that scheduling meetings for an international audience
is hard. I might join if it's later in the day in my time zone
-- but I wouldn't have much to contribute anyway, so please don't
base your decision on that. But I suspect a lot of people in the
US won't join if it's that early.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Will write code for food.
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */